Anyone who knows me will know that Lush is my all time favourite shop, there's nothing like an amazing bath after a long day and lush products always make the experience so much more enjoyable, PLUS they're vegan and leave your skin feeling incredible.

Christmas Lush is the best kind of Lush!

This year Lush have bought out so many amazing bath products so I thought i'd share my favourite ones! They're perfect for christmas presents so hopefully this will help some of you. If you want to see any videos of what the baths turn out like they are all available on the website which I will link for each of the products.

I'll start off with my favourite bath product this year, it is The Magic Of Christmas - Bubble Bar, it's available here. This one is re-usable which is fab and it retails at £5.95. The only way to explain this scent is Christmas, it's a mixture of cinnamon and all other types of spicy deliciousness and the fact it's on the end of a cinnamon stick and covered in gold glitter - it looks adorable too!

Here's a brief description of the scents, why I love them and where you can get your hands on them;

Bath Bombs
These you pop into your already run bath and watch them fizz away and most likely take a few photos to show everyone the amazing experience.

Luxury Lush Pud, £3.95
This bath bomb was my favourite of last years bath products, it's just perfect for a cold evening! As you can see theres a load of different colours to start and it leaves your bath a gorgeous pink colour. I find this bath bomb so relaxing, you can really unwind! To me it smells a bit like incense with a hint of lavender, this is all thanks to the lavender oil! Lavender oil is perfect for getting rid of any tension and also helps with sore muscles! It's available here.

Frozen, £3.95
This bath really is magical, it leaves the water a gorgeous glittery blue shade! The scent is so uplifting but not too much, you really can let it go. The main oils in this bath bomb are grapefruit oil, rose oil and neroli oil so of course its going to leave you feeling refreshed! It's available here.

Golden Wonder, £3.95
First of all this fills your bath with gold shimmer, if this isn't enough there is actually a surprise waiting inside! I don't normally like things that are too strong citrus scented however this product really is lush. It's a lot of peoples favourites and I can see why, its so refreshing due to the orange and lime oil! It's available here.

Yog Nog, £3.95
The shea butter in this bath leaves your skin feeling incredible! It's such a sweet scented bath with a hint of toffee which is luxurious. There is also a hint of spice which is from the clove in it, this makes it such a christmassy scent to me. It's available here.

Lord of Misrule, £3.95
Don't be fooled by the green outer coating, this bath is so pretty when the pinky/wine colour mixes with it! This one doesn't smell as christmassy, you can definitely smell the vanilla, black pepper and patchouli oil so this may not be everyones favourite - but then again I'm a sucker for musky scents as well as sweet ones! It's available here.

Father Christmas, £3.95
If you love Snow Fairy you're going to love this bath bomb! It's such a gorgeous sweet scent, almost good enough to eat. Not only is it a pretty pastel colour, it soon turns into a stunning vibrant green. It's available here.

Bubble Bars
These you break off some and crumble it under the running water to create a "blanket of bubbles".

Five Gold Rings, £4.95
With bubble bars I normally find myself using them up way too quickly, with this bubble bar it's already separated for you so you have the perfect amount of bubbles! One thing I will say is they get glitter all over the place, but hey i'm not complaining. They have quite a subtle vanilla scent to them with a hint of gardenia extract. They're available here.

Holly Golightly, £4.95
This is another one of the typical christmas scented bath products and was also my other favourite from last year! A little warning, yes the glitter gets everywhere. It turns your bath such a gorgeous green, its so comforting. Again with the orange and lime oils it's quite an uplifting bath but the clove helps even it out so you have the perfect relaxing bath. It is available here.

Penguin Bubble Bar, I dont think this one is available anymore I just couldn't resist how cute it was!!!

What's your all time favourite Lush product?

Let me know!